Strengthening to Timber Columns, Roof Truss & Purlins at Thian Hock Keng Temple, Singapore with TYFO® Fibrwrap® Systems
Heritage Structures
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Strengthening to Timber Columns, Roof Truss & Purlins at Thian Hock Keng Temple, Singapore with TYFO® Fibrwrap® Systems
Thian Hock Keng Temple was built more than 100 years ago by the Chinese migrant community. The columns, roof truss and purlins of the temple were built solely by Timber.
However due the close vicinity of the sea front, its timber members were attacked by termites. The damaged caused was serious as some to the timber members were eaten up to 70% of its original size.
Fibrwrap Construction Pte Ltd was commissioned by the temple owner the Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan through its Architects M/s James Ferrie and partners to carry out rectification and strengthening of the damaged timber members.
TYFO® SEH 25 A and TYFO® S epoxy system was chosen to be used in this project for the wrapping of the damaged column and purlins. The void created by the termite was filling up with TYFO S epoxy with saw dust as the filler. The project was completed in two and a half months which was ahead of schedule.