Shaxi Bridge Structural Repair and Strengthening using TYFO® Fibrwrap® Systems
Shaxi Bridge which is situated in the town of Panyu in Guangzhou was completed towards the end of 1992. The bridge which spans across the Pearl River had two inspections carried out, the first time was in early 2000 and the second time in 2001.
Numerous faults on the bridge piers which sit in the Pearl River Delta as well as on the concrete tension diagonal ties were highlighted and mentioned in both reports which prompted the local government to organize a committee to look into the structural repair for the bridge.
In August 2006, the bridge was lined up for its first structural repair works. Structural repair such as crack injection, using steel plates to strengthen the side of the box girder and using TYFO® SCH 11UPN carbon fiber to strengthen the tension diagonal ties were carried out on the bridge.
The challenge during the repair of this bridge was the rising of tide. During the high tide, there would be no pier cap to stand on as a working platform. Thus a secondary working platform made of steel scaffold pipes had to be erected for workers to be able to proceed with their works during high tide. This project was competed in a relatively short timing of only 3 weeks.