Flexural Strengthening and Corrosion Protection to KCRC West Rail Viaduct Portal Frame with the TYFO® Fibrwrap® System



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The KCRC West Rail viaduct in Honk Kong is supported by a series of portal frames. Flexural cracks were observed at one of these portal beams near the Tin Shui Wai area. The concerned portal beam spanned above another railway line, the Light Rail.

As the repair work had to be carried out within the short time period allowed at night with special attention on safety due to the working proximity of the railway lines, the lightweight and simple application method made TYFO® Fibrwrap® System the ideal method of choice and was therefore adopted by the clients, Maeda Corporation and KCRC, as the mitigation solution.

The scope of works carried out by FYFE (Hong Kong) Limited included the following:

• Design, supply and installation of the TYFO® Fibrwrap® Composite System

• Application of a protective coating to restore the original finish of the portal beam.

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