Upgrading and Rehabilitation of Vehicular Bridges at different locations (Country-wide) Indonesia 2015



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Indonesia is an archipelago comprising of thousands of islands with a total land area of 1.90 million square kilometers. With an estimated 4% of its land area covered by water, it is well-connected by its massive road networks with thousands of vehicular bridges crossing over rivers and streams. Many of the bridges were built more than 30 years ago with some constructed as far back to their colonial days under the Dutch.

With urban and industrial development, many of these bridges are not able to meet up to the load requirement of the growing traffic. As such, the Public Works of Indonesia is facing the challenge of upgrading and rehabilitation of these bridges throughout the country. The current conventional approach towards upgrading and rehabilitation of the bridges will be both costly and time-consuming.

Since early 2000, Fyfe Asia together with its Indonesian partner has been working closely with the Public Works to understand on the condition and requirement of the bridges for a major upgrading and rehabilitation program. In 2011, PT. Fyfe Fibrwrap Indonesia supported the Public Works on the first pilot project to upgrade and rehabilitate a vehicular bridge using FYFE Asia’s FRP Composite System. The successful implementation of the pilot project has paved the way for many more bridges that were subsequently planned and designed for strengthening using the FYFE Asia System. It has now become a yearly program to improve the bridges of the vast infrastructure network of this archipelago.

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